This was originally written in October of 2007. There is a genre of literature known as Ubi sunt . It comes from the Latin phrase Ubi sunt qui anto nos fuerunt , which means, "Where are those who went before us?" In short, this kind of literature looks back to the good ole' days, wondering what has happened to the heroes or good times of yore. Here are some examples. Many schools used to sing a song which encapsulated the Ubi sunt mentality, De Brevitate Vitae (On the Shortness of Life) more often known as Gaudeamus igitur . Here is a brief excerpt: Latin lyrics English translation Ubi sunt qui ante nos In mundo fuere? Vadite ad superos Transite in inferos Hos si vis videre. Where are they Who were in the world before us? You may cross over to heaven You may travel into hell If you wish to see them. Much of Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings involves the main characters looking back to the "elder days" which can be re...