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Showing posts from December, 2022

Why Democracy MIGHT be the most Christlike of Governmental Forms

Let me begin by saying I certainly don't think Jesus or the Bible instituted Democracy, necessarily support Democracy or, and this is most important, desired the creation of or bless the existence of the United States.  I don't think that "Western Culture" is particularly good, especially where it isn't influenced by or doesn't follow Christ.  Hell, I don't even think it was necessarily a good thing that the Greeks won the Greek-Persian war.   Side note: You know how we laud the Battle of Thermopylae?  We watch "300" and cheer the Spartans and deride the Persians and put ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ ("Come and take them") on tattoos and bumper stickers?  Why?  If I'm correct, the battle was between 𐎧𐏁𐎹𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎠 (Xerxes the Great or Ahasuerus) from the Book of Esther, son of Darius, grandson of Cyrus, all kings who, at some point in their lives, came to worship the God of Israel.  Right?  On the other hand, we have the Spartans.  Eugenici...