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Showing posts from August, 2023

Can God Forgive Sin?

This is a summary of a discussion on Facebook from ... like ... 12 years ago.  Came across it recently and like it, so here you go.   Original Post:  It occurs to me that in the system called "Penal Substitution" or "Vicarious Atonement" that the Father is both:  A) incapable of forgiving and  B) has never forgiven anyone.  If you pay for a crime, or a crime is paid for, forgiveness is not necessary. Since "Jesus paid it all," then the Father did not need to forgive us. Indeed, the fact that Jesus was required to pay it was BECAUSE the Father was unable to forgive us.  Man ... what a cool God! Discussion: Person 1: ‎...and not only that, after God accepts the full sacrifice of His Son for "payment in full" THEN He sends people to hell anyway, so they're going to hell for "paid-for offenses". Heck, not even human justice permits double jeopardy. Me: This is true. Along the same lines, it is fair for God to condemn all humanity to He...