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Showing posts from October, 2024

Trinitarian Doctrine and Undecided Voters

This beginning story is important because it goes to my overall point even though I'm assuming anyone who bothers to read this, all 1.3 of you, already know it.   A professed Christian who works in the establishment next to mine was telling me about an inadvertent drive with a Muslim chauffer during which she was given a 30 minute sermon about how Christianity is a corruption of Islam, etc.  The driver was considerate and persuasive and, although she was not ultimately convinced, he got her thinking.  "Because," she said, "I only worship one God like Islam says, but I don't worship Jesus because he's not God ... right?" To which I responded, "Weeeeellll ... how nerdy do you want me to get about this?"  (I try to do this for people before I assault them with shit.)  After receiving permission, I said something along the lines of a GREATLY stripped down Quicinque vult (Athanasian Creed) :  Yes, Christians believe there is just one God. But also