About 14 years ago, my dad asked me for help with a Christmas Cantata. It was called "I'll Be Home for Christmas" and was based around that song. As you might expect for a religious musical based around a secular song, the writing was ... well ... bad. Bad and meaningless. And trite. It was feel-good with absolutely no substance whatsoever. So, I decided to give it a whirl. I imagine that no one will be interested in this, but I had been thinking about it and discovered a bunch of old files that had this in it. Many of the songs won't be recognizable by title and I'm only posting the title of the song and the narration that went with it. I'll put any thoughts about what I was writing in parentheses. Also, you'll note that I began each section with a portion of the first chapter of the Gospel According to St. John. First song: "I'll Be Home for Christmas" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and ...