Before I jump into a review of Hadestown that a) is, like, a decade too late and b) no one asked for or wanted, I need to clarify something. Have you heard No Myth by Michael Penn (Sean Penn’s brother)? It references some tragic, romantic figures like Romeo and Heathcliff. I heard an interview with him where he said he did that deliberately because, while figures of romance, they aren’t anything close to examples of a healthy relationship. One is teenage infatuation and the other is damn near abusive. This very much captures my thoughts about most grand, romantic stories. Although I love musicals, I generally don’t like stories about romance in musicals … or literature … or movies … for this reason. Usually, such romances will bother me to the point of ruining a story in any medium. Examples: Romeo and Juliet , as previously mentioned, elevates teenage infatuation to the point that it seems like it’s supposed to be a good thing....