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Showing posts from February, 2025

Chaplain Charlie and the Lorica

My brother is flying out to Kuwait for a 2 year stint as head chaplain for the Middle East.  He'll get to come back stateside twice.  He just called me and asked me to please pray St. Patrick's Lorica for him while he is flying.  I told him I would do so every day while he is gone.  I'd like for others to joine me.  If you skip to the bottom, you'll find several versions you can easily sing.  But first ....  First, St. Patrick is, indeed, a real person.  If you'd like a short, surprisingly accurate and highly entertaining telling of his life, Veggie Tales has you covered .  In short, and with the understanding that parts of this can be contested, he was born in the late 4th century in Wales, was stolen by the Irish and was a slave/pig shepherd for most of his young life, escaped and went to France where he became a Bishop, received a dream of the Irish calling him back to preach to them, came back and was largely responsible for Christianity ...